
Showing posts from December, 2020

3D Scanning Tips & Tricks for Targets

  3D Scanning Tips & Tricks for Targets The EinScan 3D Scanners are very fast, accurate, and powerful machines when it comes down to scanning capabilities. The only tricky thing that can cause trouble for the users is having to put the tracking targets on the part before you can scan anything. Also the issue of having to take them off afterwards. Usually, this isn’t much of a problem for average-sized parts that are only a couple of feet across. But if the part you are scanning is too small to have targets placed on it properly or if the parts are really big, like a boat or large metal casting it can slow down the process. For the convenience of the users,  Reverse Engineering Service  by Mako GmbH have come up with ways to speed up the process of adding and removing targets. Here are some ideas you can use to help speed up your pre/post scan rituals: The easiest place to start is with the Size of the targets, either 3mm or 6mm in diameter, and how sticky th...